
Diffusion model

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, telecommunications department, 2024

Course on diffusion model. The following aspects are covered: markov chain, denoising diffusion probabilistic model, conditioning, latent diffusion model.
[pdf-fr] [pdf-en] [code 1] [code 2] [post]


Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2024

French course on transformers. The following aspects are covered: tokenisation, positional embeding, encoding blocs, self-attention module, multi-head attention, vision transformer.
[pdf-fr] [pdf-en] [code 1] [post]

Convolutional neural networks

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2023

French course on convolutional neural network. The following aspects are covered: convolutional layer, feature maps, receptive field, classification, segmentation.

Optimization of neural networks

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2023

French course on the optimization steps involved in neural networks. The following aspects are covered: mini-batch gradient descent, momentum/RMSprop/ADAM scheme, batch normalization, dropout, training/validation/test scheme.

Neural networks

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2023

French course on neural network. The following aspects are covered: modeling of a perceptron, modeling of a neural network, activation functions, backpropagation principle, loss function, gradient descent needs.
[pdf-fr] [code]

Sampling and quantization

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2023

French course on signal sampling and quantization. The following aspects are covered: modeling of the sampling and quantization operations, energy assessment of the acquisition chain.

Signal modeling

Course, INSA, university of Lyon, electrical department, 2023

French course on signal modeling. The following aspects are covered: basic signals / elementary operations, linear time-invariant systems, Fourier transform.